Serial Port Basics

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Introduction to Serial Port


The serial port sometimes looks like a tangle of wires that is hard to understand. In this brief tutorial, we will try to explain it in simple and understandable terms with the help of some images that won't make things too complicated.

In embedded world, connecting circuits, whether they are processors or other integrated circuits, is essential to create a cohesive system. For these circuits to communicate and exchange information, they need to use a common communication protocol. There are many communication protocols designed for this purpose, and they generally fall into two main categories: parallel and serial.

Consider the two types of interfaces as different kinds of roads: a parallel interface resembles an 8-lane expressway, while a serial interface is more like a narrow country lane. Over a given period, the expressway can move more cars to their destinations, but the country lane gets the job done and is much cheaper to build.

Parallel communication has notable advantages. It's quick, direct, and relatively easy to implement, but it requires a large number of input/output (I/O) lines. If you've ever upgraded a project from an Arduino Uno to a Mega, you're aware of how limited and valuable those I/O lines can be. Consequently, we often choose serial communication, giving up potential speed to conserve pin usage.

A serial interface, transmitting one bit every clock pulse.


Many serial protocols have been designed over the years to meet specific requirements of embedded systems. Well-known examples include USB (universal serial bus) and Ethernet. Other frequently used serial interfaces are SPI, I2C, that are not part of this tutorial. These serial interfaces can be categorized as either synchronous or asynchronous.

Synchronous serial interface

A synchronous serial interface uses a clock signal alongside its data line(s), ensuring all devices on a synchronous bus share a common clock. This setup facilitates simpler and often faster data transfers but requires at least one extra wire between the devices. Examples of synchronous interfaces include SPI and I²C (I2C).

On the other hand, asynchronous communication transfers data without an external clock signal. This method is perfect for reducing the number of required wires and I/O pins, though it demands more effort to ensure reliable data transmission and reception. The protocol we'll discuss in this tutorial is the most common form of asynchronous communication. It's so prevalent that when people refer to “serial,” they typically mean this protocol (as you'll see throughout this tutorial).

The serial protocol we'll cover is extensively used in embedded electronics. If you're integrating devices like GPS modules, Bluetooth, XBee's, serial LCDs, or various other peripherals into your project, you'll need to employ some serial communication skills.

Asynchronous serial interface.

The asynchronous serial protocol includes several built-in rules that ensure reliable and error-free data transmission. These mechanisms, which come into play because we aren't using an external clock signal, include:

  • Data bits
  • Synchronization bits
  • Parity bits
  • Baud rate

These various signaling mechanisms mean there isn't just one way to send data serially. The protocol is highly flexible, but it's crucial that both devices on a serial bus are configured to use the same settings.

Baud Rate

The baud rate defines the speed at which data is transmitted over a serial line, usually measured in bits per second (bps). By inverting the baud rate, you can determine the time it takes to send a single bit. This rate dictates how long the transmitter holds a line high or low and the interval at which the receiver samples the line.

Baud rates can vary widely, but both devices must operate at the same rate. Common baud rates include 9600 bps for simple tasks where speed isn't critical, along with other standard rates such as 1200, 2400, 4800, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps.

Higher baud rates allow faster data transmission, but there are practical limits. Speeds above 115200 bps are uncommon because they can lead to errors as clocks and sampling periods struggle to keep up.

Framing the Data

Each data block, usually a byte, is sent as a packet or frame of bits. Frames are created by adding synchronization and parity bits to the data.

A Serial Packet

Data Chunk

The core of every serial packet is the data it carries. This block of data, called a chunk, can range from 5 to 9 bits in size. The standard size is 8 bits, but other sizes can be useful; for example, a 7-bit data chunk is more efficient for transferring 7-bit ASCII characters.

Both devices must agree on the data length and the order of bits (endianness). Data is typically transferred least-significant bit (LSB) first unless otherwise specified.

Synchronization Bits

Synchronization bits include the start bit and the stop bit(s), which mark the beginning and end of a data packet. There is always one start bit, while the number of stop bits can be one or two, but is usually set to one.

The start bit transitions from an idle state (1) to active (0), while stop bits return the line to idle (1).

Parity Bits

Parity bits provide a basic level of error checking. There are two types: odd and even. The parity bit is set based on the sum of the data bits. For example, if the data byte 0b01011101 has an odd number of 1's (five), an even parity bit would be 1. If using odd parity, the bit would be 0.

Parity bits are optional and not commonly used. They help in noisy environments but slow down data transfer and require error-handling mechanisms to resend failed data.

9600 8N1 Example

The 9600 8N1 protocol (9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit) is commonly used. For instance, transmitting the ASCII characters 'O' and 'K' involves creating two data packets. The ASCII value of 'O' (uppercase) is 79, which is 01001111 in binary, and 'K' is 01001011 in binary. Sync bits are added to these values.

Data is generally transferred LSB first. Each byte involves 10 bits: one start bit, 8 data bits, and one stop bit. At 9600 bps, each bit is held for 104 microseconds.

Knowing how to construct serial packets is essential before moving on to the hardware section, where we'll see how the 1's, 0's, and baud rate are implemented at the signal level.


Serial Port Wiring

Serial Port Pinout

This is a standard RS232 pinout


The image shows a standard RS-232 DB-9 serial port connector with each pin labeled and its function indicated. Here is a description of each pin and its corresponding signal:

  1. Pin 1 (DCD – Data Carrier Detect): This pin is used to detect if the modem is connected to a working phone line and a carrier signal is present.

  2. Pin 2 (RXD – Receive Data): This pin is used for receiving data. It carries data from the connected device to the computer.

  3. Pin 3 (TXD – Transmit Data): This pin is used for transmitting data. It sends data from the computer to the connected device.

  4. Pin 4 (DTR – Data Terminal Ready): This pin is used to signal that the computer is ready to communicate.

  5. Pin 5 (GND – Ground): This pin provides a common ground for all signals.

  6. Pin 6 (DSR – Data Set Ready): This pin is used to indicate that the modem is ready for communication.

  7. Pin 7 (RTS – Request to Send): This pin is used to prepare the data terminal for data transmission.

  8. Pin 8 (CTS – Clear to Send): This pin is used to acknowledge the RTS signal and indicate that the data terminal can send data.

  9. Pin 9 (RI – Ring Indicator): This pin is used to signal that a ringing signal is detected on the telephone line.

The connector depicted in the image has the following signals represented by green and red lines for clarity:

  • Green lines represent signal input (receiving data).
  • Red lines represent signal output (transmitting data).

Null Modem connection to exchange data

Serial Port Null Cable connection


A serial bus consists of just two wires: one for sending data and another for receiving. Therefore, serial devices should have two serial pins: the receiver, RX, and the transmitter, TX.

Serial Wiring

It's important to note that the RX and TX labels refer to the device itself. Thus, the RX of one device should be connected to the TX of the other, and vice versa, in a NULL Modem configuration. In this setup, the transmission channel of one device is connected to the reception channel of the other, and vice versa.

In this type of interface, both devices can transmit and receive simultaneously. However, two types of transmission can be defined: full-duplex or half-duplex. Full-duplex means that both devices can send and receive simultaneously. Half-duplex communication means that serial devices must take turns sending and receiving data.

Some serial buses can operate with just a single connection between a sending and receiving device. For example, our serial-enabled LCDs only listen and don't really have data to relay back to the controlling device. This is known as simplex serial communication. All you need is a single wire from the master device's TX to the listener's RX line.

In the case of communication between two microcontrollers, typically both can communicate, but it is preferable to establish a proper communication protocol similar to half-duplex communication. Despite this, both devices remain free to communicate as needed. For example, in communication with a GSM module, there is the possibility to enable or disable “unsolicited” message types. In effect, the communication remains half-duplex, but when the GSM modem receives an SMS, it can send an unsolicited message to notify the arrival of an unexpected event such as an SMS or a call.